First Time Attenders

Together we seek a closer connection to our sense of the Divine and for a way to live according to how we are led. The heart of our community is the shared meeting for worship.

Meeting for Worship is held every Sunday morning at 10:30 am. We gather in silence, taking time to center ourselves and quiet our thoughts. After we settle into the silence, if someone is moved to speak, they will share their message, which is followed by more silence as we let the message sink into our shared worship. Not every message will speak to everyone present, so we try to listen beyond the words to the spirit that inspired the message. We don’t offer direct responses to each other’s messages, however at times a message will spark a theme in people’s spoken ministry. In some meetings for worship, no one will speak, and we sit in worshipful silence. After about an hour, the meeting will end when we reach out and hold hands.